BestSeller Gilsson Leather Carrying Case for Garmin iQue 3200, 3600, M5 PDA with removable belt clip

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About this product
Specifically designed for Garmin iQue 3200, 3600 units. Made with premium Class A leather for style and durability. Easy access flap in back allows antenna maneuverability. Protect your iQue and carry business cards, documents, and SD memory cards in an all-in-one case with removable belt clip.
Gilsson RIQNB Item specifics
- Three credit card pockets, two SD memory card slots and two universal pockets
- Removable belt clip for easy access and travel convenience
- Elegant design and exceptional quality
- Allows full extension of antenna while still in case. Easy access flap to extend/retract antenna
- Custom designed for Garmin iQue units, not general PDAs
- Brand: Gilsson
- Model: RIQNB
- Product Type: Electronics
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Great Deals Gilsson Leather Carrying Case for Garmin iQue 3200, 3600, M5 PDA with removable belt clip. You can Buy Gilsson Leather Carrying Case for Garmin iQue 3200, 3600, M5 PDA with removable belt clip In Stock. Best Prices Gilsson Leather Carrying Case for Garmin iQue 3200, 3600, M5 PDA with removable belt clip Buy Now Free Shipping !
Gilsson RIQNB Review by akaADAMJONES "ATA" (New York)
In an ongoing search for the perfect case for my new iQue M5, I was very disapointed upon the purchase of this case. It fits in the case just fine, but I feel as though the screen is too vulnerable. The case is a bit cumbersome and doesn't really have any useful slots for anything. The included detachable belt clip is a joke. Right now, I suggest sticking with the Garmin produced "slide-in" case because you can fit the M5 in it with its leather screen protector attached for a snugger fit.
Gilsson RIQNB Review by R. A Swirsky (Sunnyvale, CA United States)
I use it with an iQue M5 and I keep a rubber band around it! If I didn't the device could easily fall out.
It doesn't securely hold the unit, and there's too much danger that you hold it inverted and your iQue M5 will slide out. This case is barely acceptable. Mainly is so the cover doesn't get scratched when it's in my carry-on bag.
Gilsson RIQNB Review by V. Calvin Hoe (Colorado Springs, CO United States)
I received my carry case today. The case designed so that I could open the GPS antennae without removing from the case. I noticed that the manufacturer supplied a velcro disc to secure the iQue 3600 to the case, just below the GPS flip antennae. This velcro spot kept the PDA from slipping out if I held the case and shook it.
With the belt clip, the case hangs horizontally so it have less intrusion when I sat down.
All in all, I think this case was well designed.
WARNING: installing this battery upgrade may void your Garmin warranty!
Having said that, this 1500 mAh battery upgrade easily tripled my iQue 3600 running time. Comes with torx and phillips screw dtrivers and instructions how to take iQue 3600 apart.
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